




tell application "Finder"
	set nowTime to my DateAndTIme(current date)
		make new folder at ("Macintosh HD:Users:username:OneDrive:画像:a72") with properties {name:nowTime}
	end try
end tell

to DateAndTIme(theDate)
	set y to (year of theDate)
	set m to my monthNumStr(month of theDate)
	set d to day of theDate
	set hms to time of theDate
	set hh to h of sec2hms(hms)
	set mm to m of sec2hms(hms)
	set ss to s of sec2hms(hms)
	return (y as text) & "-" & my zero1(m) & "-" & my zero1(d)
end DateAndTIme

to monthNumStr(theMonth)
	set monList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
	repeat with i from 1 to 12
		if item i of monList is theMonth then exit repeat
	end repeat
	return i
end monthNumStr

to sec2hms(sec)
	set ret to {h:0, m:0, s:0}
	set h of ret to sec div hours
	set m of ret to (sec - (h of ret) * hours) div minutes
	set s of ret to sec mod minutes
	return ret
end sec2hms

to zero1(n)
	if n < 10 then
		return "0" & n
		return n as text
	end if
end zero1


tell application "Finder"
	set nowTime to my DateAndTIme(current date)
	set theAlias to choose folder
	set theFiles to every file of theAlias
	repeat with aFile in theFiles
		move aFile to "Macintosh HD:Users:username:OneDrive:画像:a72:" & nowTime
		delete aFile
	end repeat
end tell
